Parc éolien de l’Érable

LFG Construction has been contracted to carry out the construction of fifty (50) concrete bases for Enercon E 82 wind turbine for which forty (40) have a height of 85 m and ten (10) other 98 m.

The De l’Érable Wind Farm Located in the Municipalities of Saint-Pierre-Baptiste, Sainte-Sophie-d’Halifax and Saint-Ferdinand.

The work for which LFG was responsible includes excavation, installation of formwork, installation of reinforcing steel, concrete and backfill for each foundation.

For each turbine an area of approximately 4950 m2 is provided for the construction of foundations, material storage and installation of cranes to assemble the tower.

The foundation of each turbine is covered with earth leaving apparent an 8 m. diameter (50 m2) disk.