About CER

Our company

CER is a general contractor specializing in the construction of renewable energy projects.

CER has been providing EPC, EPCM and constructions services since 2009 on projects with over 1800 MW of installed capacity.

CER is:

Dedicated to create a safe and secure environment for our workers and all project stakeholders.

Attentive to the protection of the environment in order to responsibly manage and minimize environmental impacts during project realization.

Committed to work with the local communities where projects are located.

Proficient and has demonstrated expertise with project optimization during the engineering and planning stages of projects.


EPC  / Power lines / Substations /  Roads / Turbine installation


small to large projects (12-175 wind turbines) / Self-Performed / 3 specialized cies recognized Mechanical Electrical Civil Works / Quality: system in place


Global Approach / Specific Programme up to the construction of wind farm / site training for employees / day beginning with SST meeting and Stretch and Bend

949Wind Turbines
16Wind farm Projects
1802MW in total
10Years of experience

Why you should Work with us

Advantages of the Partnership


  • The partners combined annual revenue is superior to $1,2 Billions;
  • Large equipment fleet adapted for the climate and nature of the work;
  • No reliance on subcontractors;
  • Availability of resources for multiple project construction.

Committed to work with the local community:

  • Local content;
  • Establish early relationship and involvement of local personnel and resources;
  • Experience with project optimisation during the engineering and planning stages of projects;
  • Competitive nature of the proposals – all 3 partners are specialists in complementary construction fields – no mark-up on specialities ;
  • All three partners have excellent relationships with local suppliers and subcontractors;
  • CER can perform full BOP as Prime Contractor.

Ontario FIT Compliance

Construction Costs and On-Site Labour:

  • CER has established a management structure in Ontario:
    • Project Director, Safety Officer, Quality management and field engineers;
    • Key subcontractors and support personnel for road construction, foundations, collector systems, substations, turbine assembly and commissioning meet the requirement of designated activity 17.

Consulting Services:

  • CER has worked with a number of engineering firms that qualify to meet the requirement of designated activity 18;
  • Choice of the engineering firm will depend on availability of key resources, schedule and complexity of the project.

Grid connection:

  • CER can source the transformer if required by the customer

Documentation and reporting:

  • CER has the systems to provide the required documents and provides monthly updates to the customer

Incident prevention and on detailed risk analysis


Health and Safety Program:

  • For every task, the dangers and risks are well identified and documented. Control measures as well as responsibility matrix are developed and implemented. Periodic audits are performed to ensure compliance;
  • When required, work methods are posted at the site;
  • Each employee is informed of our safety rules and politics and specific topics are discussed during regular safety meetings

Environmental Protection Program:

  • The program emphasises the principle of preventive and responsible environmental protection and includes specific procedures on handling waste disposal, spills and incident reporting;
  • Emergency procedures are adapted for each site;
  • Each new employee receives training on the program;
  • During regular safety meetings, environmental topics are addressed.

Quality Program
  • Well established, documented and frequently audited quality
    Program is based on continuous improvement and the integration of lessons
  • learned in all our projects
  • Program is governed by a dedicated group of professionals
